Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Isay Weinfeld Compact Furniture

toto bar isay weinfeld

Designed by Brazilian designer Isay Weinfeld, This amazingly compact piece of storage furniture "Toto Bar Boxes" unfolded to reveal cleverly designed storage spaces for an evening’s cocktail party. It stores everything you need from liquors to glasswares!

isay weinfeld table furniture

Isay Weinfeld is a Brazilian architect who runs a very diverse practice with projects ranging from built work to set design to art and furniture pieces. Clean lines and functionality dominate his work. He seems to be interested in working with a kit of parts to create a new, more interesting product. I love this mobile bar - a series of boxes sized for specific functions with a set of hidden drawers.

Isay Weinfeld Compact Furniture

Isay Weinfeld was born in 1952. Sao Paulo, Brazil; Isay Weinfeld graduated from Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie School of Architecture in 1975. Over the years he has developed not only architectural but also expography, scenography, furniture and interior design projects, as well as movie features.

Awarded several times by the Instituto dos Arquitetos do Brasil, in 2005 he was recipient to the Ex aequo Award at the VI Bienal Internacional de Arquitetura de Sao Paulo. As a filmmaker, he has produced several short movies and the long-feature movie Fogo e Paixao, in 1988

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